Minor Development Fund

Minor Development Fund



Please note the Travel Grant will no longer be available for teams attending Provincials as of the 2024 season.  


The Minor Development Fund was established by the minor representatives to carry out the following Mission and Vision Statements:

Mission Statement

To financially assist districts and associations and ultimately players and coaches throughout the province of BC in the development of the sport of softball/fastpitch.

Vision Statement

To develop minor players and coaches that are registered members of Softball BC.


Any questions on funding please email mdf@softball.bc.ca


Funding Opportunities

Funding to support NCCP Minor Coach Development Clinics CLICK HERE 

  • This would help support Coaching clinics to assist with offsetting the cost of meeting room expenses, facilitator expenses, etc.

Funding to support Player hitting, catching or pitching clinics CLICK HERE 

  • This would support Player training at a one-time clinic, (not ongoing) to help offset the cost of training facilities, facilitator expenses etc.

Funding to support Associations who are bringing softball into their local schools to promote the sport. CLICK HERE

  • This would help support promote softball for the enhancement of the game with cost of leaders, room rentals etc.

Funding to support Associations to promote softball into the community. CLICK HERE

  • This would include season-opening activities, advertising, etc.

Funding to support Associations to support with Learn to Play recruitment.

  • More information on this is to come.

New Association CLICK HERE

  • New associations may apply for start-up costs to help with the cost of equipment and/or uniforms - this is a one-time request.

Existing Associations CLICK HERE

  • Associations may apply for assistance to replace equipment, uniforms, or other infrastructural damage due to a disaster such as a fire, flood or theft that is not covered by insurance.


Minor Development Fund Guidelines (established 1991 - updated November 2023)

1) The Minor Development Fund shall hereafter be referred to as the “Fund” and the Minor Development Fund Committee shall hereafter be referred to as the “Committee”.

2) The Softball BC Board of Directors are informed of expenditures fiscally.

3) The signing officers of the Fund shall include the Minor Director and any one the following:

     a) One or two Minor Coordinators appointed by the Minor Director, or;

     b) The President of Softball BC if either of the appointed Minor Coordinators are not available.

4) The Committee shall consist of the Minor Director and one elected representative from each of the following areas of the province

     a) Districts 1, 2 & 3 hereinafter referred to as Area A

     b) Districts 4, 5, 6 & 15 hereinafter referred to as Area B

     c) Districts 7, 8 & 14 hereinafter referred to as Area C

     d) Districts 9, 10 & 11 hereinafter referred to as Area D

     e) Districts 12 & 13 hereinafter referred to as Area E

5) Elections for representatives in Areas A, C & E shall take place in even numbered years and elections for representative in Areas B & D shall take place in odd numbered years.

6) Any elected Committee representative who is unable or unwilling to perform the duties expected of them may be replaced by the Minor Director. Where in any area a nominee for election cannot be found, the Committee Chair shall appoint one of the Minor Coordinators from that area. In either case such appointment shall expire at the date of the next Softball BC AGM and an election for a representative from the affected area shall, whether it is the appropriate election year for that area of not, be carried out as if it was an appropriate election year from that area.

7) On an annual basis following the election of Committee representatives each year, the Committee shall meet within 2 weeks after the Softball BC AGM and shall select a Chairperson from their peers.

8) Motions, including budgets, relating to the allocation of monies collected by the Fund, may be made by any Committee representative and/or any Minor member or representative in good standing with Softball BC. Such motions and budgets shall be submitted to the Committee Chairperson thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Softball BC AGM.

9) All funds collected during a particular year shall be expended or allocated by the Committee by September 30th of the following year. Funds not allocated will be carried over to the following year.

10) All Committee expenses shall be submitted to the Committee Chairperson for review and recommendation, which shall then be forwarded to the Minor Director for ratification and approval.

11) The Committee Chairperson shall provide a balance report to the Minor Director who will provide the report to the Softball BC Board of Directors, all District Minor Coordinators, and the membership representatives at the Minor Meeting of the Softball BC AGM.


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