Suspension List

As of November 8, 2022 (reviewed monthly)

The following list of people are all presently under suspension from membership with Softball BC.

These individuals may not participate in any faction of Softball in which Softball BC members are involved.

Please report any involvement these people may have within the sport.

Name City Suspended Duration
Davies, Chris Richmond May 15, 2017 LIFE
Johnson, Cal Barriere December 1981 LIFE
O’Connal, Vince Prince George June 1981 LIFE
Shoemaker, Ray Kelowna June 3, 1995 INDEFINITE
Porcellato, Jim Sooke November 2002 INDEFINITE
Cullen, Evan  Abbotsford November 3, 2017 INDEFINITE
Andrews, Don Kamloops November 2, 2016 INDEFINITE
Tom, Russell Nanaimo April 15, 2019 INDEFINITE



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