CANpitch - Softball Canada’s National Pitching Program



What is Canpitch? 

Canpitch was created to introduce and develop the fundamental skills of windmill pitching to Canada’s children and youth. Canpitch Instructors in each province teach a nationally standardized curriculum with specific drills that are founded in Long Term Player Development (LTPD) principles and reflect an athlete-centered approach to learning.

Canpitch programs in your area may run year-round or seasonal with group lessons often taking place once a week in 6-week blocks for 1 - 1.5 hours. For rural areas these clinics can take place over a weekend. To host a Canpitch Clinic or become an instructor please read below to find out more.

Click here to access the new Canpitch videos!

Key Messages of Canpitch:

  1. Anyone can learn to pitch.
  2. Pitching is fun.
  3. Weekly practice is the best way to learn.
  4. Canpitch Instructors are trained and approved by Softball BC and Softball Canada.
  5. Your feedback is important, be sure to fill out a parent or participant survey!



Interested in hosting a Canpitch Clinic?

To host a 6-week or weekend Canpitch Clinic contact: Jackie Desilets


Canpitch Instructors     
Name Contact Location
Jackie Desilets Nelson
Lori Zehr Victoria
Joey Vandevoorde Victoria
Rob Gunter  Victoria
Terri Boizard Sooke
Tammy Gallamore Fruitvale
Jacquelyn Novak Vancouver
Lindsay Ogilivie Vancouver



For more information:

Click here to access the new Canpitch videos!




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