Competition Review Committee

Scott Wheatley

Chair, Competition Review Committee

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Competition Review Committee


  • To analyze the competition structure in place for youth and adult softball
  • Provide meaningful competition for all stages of softball
  • Review rules of competition currently in place for youth and adult softball, and make recommendations on change as necessary
  • Review the calendar of competition to ensure it supports the long term athlete development framework


  1. Chair -Appointed by the President of Softball BC
  2. Members - the committee will be made up of not less than 5 and not more than 7 members of the community. The composition of the committee will include at least one representative from each of the minor, senior and umpire advisory councils. Call for applications will be posted by Softball BC, and final selections will be made by a selection panel consisting of three members of the current Board of Directors.


This is an advisory committee reporting to the board of directors. This committee is not empowered to make any final and binding decisions, but to provide guidance and recommendations to the advisory councils and the board for their consideration.

Resources and Budget

Softball BC will make available, when required, a meeting area for the committee. The committee may conduct meetings via conference call, in person, or by an electronic meeting format. The chair will decide on the format prior to each meeting.  The BCASA will provide staff advisory resources, as well as transcribing, photocopying, and printing as required. Costs for travel and meeting space will require prior approval by the Executive Director.  Any additional financial resources requested must be approved by the finance committee prior to those funds being used.


Decisions will be made by a simple majority with the chair not having a vote unless the vote is tied. Members may communicate their vote by email, phone or in person. Proxy votes are not permitted.  A quorum requires no less than 60% of committee members present. A vice-chair shall be elected at the first annual meeting from among the elected and appointed committee members, and serve a one (1) year term. The chair shall appoint a member to serve as secretary to record minutes from all meetings.


All documents and minutes from meetings will be stored on the BCASA secure site. The minutes will be distributed to all members of the committee within fifteen (15) days of the meeting taking place, and shall be voted on at the next meeting. Once minutes are approved, they will be circulated to the Board of Directors via the Executive Director.


The chair of the committee shall be a member in good standing of the BCASA. All committee members shall abide by BC Amateur Softball Association policies with respect to code of conduct, privacy and confidentiality.


The committee shall provide, at their discretion, either or both the board of directors and appropriate advisory councils with written recommendations for changes to special operating rules, policies and by-laws of the society as they see fit. Such recommendations will be presented by the chair at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Softball B.C.


These terms of reference may be reviewed at the request of the committee chair, but must be done at least once every thirty six months.

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