2021 Championship Update

Apr. 29, 2021

The health and safety of our members and our communities is our top priority and we are exploring options to bring competitive softball experiences to our membership in 2021! With the cancellation of the Canadian Championships, Softball BC is looking at a few options to bring meaningful competition to our clubs in the form of Regional/Zone and/or Provincial Championships. Rest assured, we are working hard to make these events a reality for you while keeping everyone safe and healthy!
From Rick Benson, Executive Director, Softball BC:
“We were disappointed, needless to say, of the decision, but we understand and support Softball Canada’s position based on not being able to host a true national championship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the decision was made earlier than we had anticipated, we have begun working on options to provide our athletes and coaches with a competitive softball experience for the 2021 softball season. I want to emphasize that we do not know what the return to play guidelines may look like, nor do we know, same as everyone else, when those guidelines may come into effect. As the governing body, we are working hard to create options which will allow us to move quickly to the most favourable scenario when the time comes.
I also want to say we will always keep the safety of our members and our community as our top priority, we will not take any shortcuts when it comes to compromising the safety of our membership.
Please continue to exercise patience and follow the protocols in place, I will update the membership as we receive new information.”

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