PLAY BALL! PHO Eases Restrictions for Sport!

May. 26, 2021

Dear Members,
You have, undoubtedly, heard the announcement from the provincial government yesterday on the restart plan put in place.
We are very excited about the plans to have sport return, and I know I share with all of you, a sense of relief and anticipation as we gradually return to full play around the province and, hopefully, soon, the country. I want to emphasize we had no advance notice of the announcement and are working off the information provided through viaSport and from the BC government website.
Effective immediately, based on the information we have at hand, all sanctioned Softball BC LSOs, and
leagues may:
🥎 Move to an abbreviated (no spectator) Inning Two without further need for sanction
🥎 As per ViaSport, games may be organized for youth teams within their home club, and for adult
teams within their league.
🥎 Travel is not permitted for game play at this time
🥎 Protocols for screening, sanitizing, attendance tracking must still be followed, as per your LSO or league safety plan
🥎 Mask guidance for Inning Two remains in place
🥎 No spectators are permitted at the facility
🥎 Cohorts will not be formed, pick up of players will revert to Softball BC Special Operating Rules
As we receive more information on protocols and guidelines under the restart plan, we will continue to communicate that information to you, our members, as quickly as possible.
The information from viaSport British Columbia and the provincial government for the plan to return to play is welcomed, while we had anticipated an easing of restrictions today, we didn’t know what would be included.
I want to thank you for your support and understanding as we work through the details and gather more information to continue to open up the remainder of the softball season.
~Rick Benson, Executive Director

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