Coach Development Work Group Expression of Interest

Feb. 23, 2023

Softball BC is seeking expressions of interest from individuals willing to serve in a volunteer role as a member of a Coach Development Work Group. APPLY HERE

The Softball BC Board of Directors has established the Coach Development Work Group to make recommendations for the development of the coach education and delivery model at all levels.


The Coach Development Work Group is established to:

  •  Review the current NCCP Coach Education and Development pathway, specific to content and delivery, within Softball BC.
  • Develop methods of and requirements for the ongoing coach education and mentorship programs of Softball BC.


Composition and Term

The Coach Development Work Group will consist of up to seven members including persons with the following background or experience:

  • Chief Program Officer (Chair)
  • Current or Former Coaches 
  • Education professionals/teachers
  • Association President or Executive Member


Softball BC's Coach Development Work Group is looking for team members with a diverse skill set, these skills include but are not limited to

  • In depth knowledge and understanding of athlete long term development
  • In depth knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of softball
  • Ability to work both with a group and independently 
  • Ability to create positive change 


Interested parties are asked to complete the application below and describe any skill set you have that should be considered by the selection committee.  Please note that an interview may be required in order to finalize appointments to the committee.

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